Dear Catholic reader,
We do love you and want you to find genuine peace with God through Jesus Christ. We would urge you to seek the Truth in God's Word, The Holy Bible. Ask yourself is it Biblical to 'sprinkle' little babies and then tell them they are “saved” so long as they go to Mass and go to ‘confession’ and receive the other ‘sacraments’? Is it Biblical to pray to Mary (the ‘Queen of Heaven’) or to the saints, or to ivory statues? Is it acceptable to call a man ‘Holy Father’? Is it Biblical (see Matt. 8:14-Peter was married, 1 Corinthians 9:5-So were other apostles) to forbid ministers from marrying, thus bringing about a deluge of sexual abuse and scandal? Is any part of the way the Catholic system is set up actually Biblical at all? Does any of it have even the slightest resemblance to the New Testament?
Catholicism teaches a way of salvation that is utterly foreign to that taught in the Bible. Please, please take the time to watch these videos, asking God to show you the Truth. - RECOMMENDED
KEITH GREEN - Catholic Chronicles
Charles Chiniquy - Fifty years in the Church of Rome
KEITH GREEN - Catholic Chronicles
Charles Chiniquy - Fifty years in the Church of Rome
Used with permission