Please beware that the Devil does not want you to hear the Gospel. He does not want you to get right with God, through his son Jesus Christ and will do all he can to discourage you from hearing the Truth on this page.
Recommended Sermon - THE PINEAPPLE STORY mp3 - Otto Koning With openness and humour, missionary Otto Koning shares this true account of his struggle to reach jungle natives with the Gospel message of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ and enjoy the fruit of his pineapple grove. This is one of the most life changing and used sermons on earth. Otto lived among cannibals who stole everything including his baby's diaper pins and his precious pineapples. |
Personal Testimony - Keith Daniel
Paul Washer - The Lost Gospel
If You Faced Death Right Now? - Keith Daniel
Did You Know Your In The Bible? - Paul Washer
Liar, Lunatic or Lord? - David Legge
Are You Born Again: How Do You Know? - Roy Daniel